Get Vaccinated SOONER Vermont - Helpful Tips
Last update 05/03/2021 7:45am EST State sponsored sites As of May 3rd anyone that wants a shot should be able to easily find one through any tool on the same day or next, hopefully this was useful but I’ll no longer be updating it. Be well, take care, be safe. While I believe the state is doing their best given the circumstances of their outdated technology, and inconsistent communication in the federal pharmacy program, there are a lot of folks struggling to get a vaccine appointment, or are pushing out weeks away (better than months from the beginning.) You should have no issue getting for first, or only shot at within days of reading this post. In some cases, NEXT DAY are readily available. RECENT UPDATES J&J has resumed, rejoice!! As of Monday the 26th there is wide open availability at the pharmacies all over the state for shots in the next four days. It should no longer be hard to get one. Northfield Pharmacy is now doing J&J again, here . Look for more drive i...